Monday, February 17, 2014

ZNZ...Employment? A Job? A Business Opportunity?

          So sorry for the extended break. It was a much needed pause in my daily routine. But I'm back to the grind with all I do! Including my efforts with promoting ZNZ. Yes, I'm still at it and earning an income with it. I'm asked quite often as to what ZNZ is, how do you make money through it and is it a job? An employment opportunity? or a business opportunity?

          Once one is involved and putting in the effort to earn money promoting through ZNZ, it all becomes clear. Is it a job? I guess you can call it that since you must put some time and effort into it in order to earn any income. It is not a job in the sense that you do not get paid a salary or an hourly wage for your efforts. Is it employment? I wouldn't call it that either since there is no hierarchy to be accountable to. Setting your own hours and pace is quite different than working a nine to five job, or punching in and out of a time clock. Is it a business opportunity? Absolutely. It's your business. You are only accountable to yourself for the amount of work, effort and time you put into it. You set the standards as to the hours you wish to "work" and the effort you devote to your campaign promotions.

          ZNZ is the catalyst to get you started. They require no quotas in referrals and are there to ensure you benefit from your efforts promoting through them. If you were to refer a friend to try out a free offer from say, Netflix or Free Credit Score, what benefit would you receive without going through a broker like ZNZ? Exactly, there is no benefit to you. Ask the same friend to try out the offer through you and ZNZ and reap the benefit of cash paid to you for the referral. Do this with a number of friends and watch how much more you will earn. Soon the business mind must click!

          Now you're ready to start your business. Prepare a business plan for yourself. Dedicate time to work at it everyday. I'm not saying 8 to 10 hours a day. It only takes an hour or two each night or day to get the ball rolling. Decide on how you will promote this opportunity. There are so many ways to do it. Post ads online for free, post on social pages, write a blog or even post the opportunity on your local community bulletin boards. All you need to do is get the word out that your promoting these free trials and a business opportunity for anyone else looking to earn extra income like you are.

          At this point, I have nothing vested but my time in this endeavor. It takes nothing for me to post ads and answer emails for about an hour each night when I return home from my regular job. And for this I'm making money every day. I'm not breaking my back laboring on a job or racking my brain researching an issue or crunching numbers. I do enough of that at my regular job. I utilize an array of prewritten ads I've prepared and copy and paste them to various online classified ad sites each night. I receive a number of emails inquiring about this opportunity which I happily explain in my personal responses to these inquiries. Some balk at the opportunity, others try it out and a few dive right in to start earning.

          Consider the twenty ads per night...receive twelve emails inquiring about the ad...five referrals sign up for free trials...get paid $100 a day for an hour's effort. That is just the beginning. Have referrals enroll in a number of trial offers and you could be making $500 a day! But that is up to you and the effort you plan to put into your business.

          So yes, ZNZ is a business opportunity...your own business. Be your own boss, set your own hours, earn a decent income in your spare time. Don't set your sites on getting rich quick, this is not what it's all about. It doesn't happen overnight and a steady stream of income is certainly comforting.

          Click the link below for more information on how you can benefit from this growing business opportunity. Sign up today and I'll help you on your way to earn that extra income.