Monday, December 30, 2013

Make ZNZ Part Of Your New Year's Resolution

          2013 is coming to an end and a New Year is approaching in two short days. How has 2013 treated you? What are your hopes for 2014? Have you made your New Year's resolutions? Have you resolved to be a better person? Promised to take care of the things you've neglected this past year? I know, me too. I often make similar resolutions from year to year. Not that I don't keep them, sometimes I get side tracked with other things in life that seem more pressing. 2013 has been a horrible year for me...up until around Thanksgiving time anyway. It was around that time my search for a decent way to earn some income online came to almost a complete halt. My frustration from listening to the con lines about making millions overnight with this program and that, spending money to earn some money and all the other schemes that were being offered were put behind me, I found ZipNadaZilch, commonly referred to as ZNZ. Here was an opportunity to make hundreds each week, not millions, for about an hour or two each night from my home. No back breaking work, no sales and no cold calling. Not an opportunity where you must enlist twenty five individuals under you to make a few bucks and nothing to lay out in up front costs. Simply put, I post ads for free on classified websites and social pages to promote Fortune 500 companies through one of their brokers, ZNZ. I answer emails from people looking to try the services of these companies as well as explaining a fabulous business opportunity they can be part of doing the same as me, for no cost other than an hour or two a night.

          I have no marketing skills and have tried similar companies who paid out peanuts for referrals. Not ZNZ; a simple broker who passes along fees they're paid by the Fortune 500 companies to people like me who do the actual promoting. Peanuts versus over $100 per referral. I didn't have to think twice. For the same effort I was putting in with these other companies my income increased from $5 per week to $500 per week with ZNZ. My work with them for the night is finished by the time the kids have their homework done on the weekdays. For this, I wait and watch my earnings steadily increase daily, while I enjoy more time with my family without the stress of financial woes.

          As a "newbie" since my start in November, I've tested the waters, honed my marketing techniques and found my niches to promote this opportunity. My New Year's resolution for 2014 is to increase my efforts in marketing and promoting this business opportunity and sharing it with anyone looking to earn a little more income or relieve some financial stress in their lives. I can't explain in words how this new "line of work" has helped me out in this past month alone. All I can say is give it a try for free and see for yourself. Don't sweat the promoting or how successful you might not be. I had the same fears but overcame them quickly with all the support available to be successful. When I made my first few hundred within a week, I wanted to be successful. Those efforts increased my earning potential and I'm happy to be over the initial worries. The promoting is actually the easiest part of this opportunity. Everything provided me does the actual convincing that this is a real work at home opportunity that pays. Anyone can do it!

          So as my last post for 2013, I invite all of you interested in this type of opportunity to contact me, sign up and get started for free by clicking the link below or just check it out. I'm available to help you get on your way to financial independence. For a limited time I am offering a $20 bonus to those signing up and completing the three steps ZNZ has to offer in earning extra income. Contact me for more information about this. If you have questions, concerns or need more information, don't hesitate to get in touch. There is no risk what so ever and only you can decide if this is right for you. I was for me and I'm glad I decided to take on this venture!

Happy New Year to One and All!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Earn Extra Income In Your Spare Time...Help With Monthly Expenses With ZNZ

          Now that the holiday season is winding down and a new year is upon us, we're back to reality with meeting monthly obligations and paying off some of the holiday debt we may have incurred. This year Santa was able to provide for my family without the use of credit cards and plastic! A first for me. Thanks to ZNZ and the income I've earned this past month through my online promotion campaign with them. It would have been a bleak holiday season had I not found ZNZ and jumped right in around Thanksgiving time. It's nice to hear my children laughing and playing with their gifts right now as I'm writing.

          For those interested in paying off some debt, meeting monthly expenses or just wanting to build up your bank accounts for a rainy day, I urge you to take a look at ZNZ. A few months ago I was on the verge of bankruptcy and in fear of losing my home and not being able to provide for my children. In desperation, I turned to some sort of online ways of earning extra income without having to work outside my home away from my children. I wasn't interested in selling products, getting involved with pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing programs. I didn't have the money to lay out for these programs like they all insisted I must do to get started. By chance, someone told me to research ZNZ (ZipNadaZilch) for free to see if it was something I'd be able to do from my home and in my spare time.

          It proved to be exactly what I was looking for. No start up costs, no hounding relatives and friends to join my network in order to be paid and all in the comfort of my home in my spare time. For an hour or two a night, I have found that financial freedom to provide for my family and live a little more comfortably. No selling, no cold calling simply, promoting this business opportunity to others in need. If I can do this with absolutely no marketing background, so can others.

          What is ZNZ and how can you earn with them? These are the inquiries I receive almost daily in my promotion campaign. ZNZ is a broker backed by powerful Fortune 500 companies helping them promote their businesses. Companies like Netflix, Free Credit Reports, AARP, Discover Card etc...are utilizing the internet to get their names out there. TV advertising, Direct Mailing and Newspaper advertising have been on the decline with the advances in technology and the internet. I don't even subscribe to my local newspaper anymore since I'm on the computer everyday and pick up news interests from there. These Fortune 500 companies use services like ZNZ to do the promoting for them. From my research, ZNZ pays people like me, who do the promoting, substantially compared with other brokers doing the same. Most will pay a dollar or two per referral whereas ZNZ will reward you with $20 to $130 per referral. No Brainer! It all depends on the effort and time you put in. In my experience, the effort is minimal to earn $300 to $500 or more each week.

          What I do with ZNZ to earn income is twofold. I promote the free/low cost trial offers the Fortune 500 companies are advertising. For example, I knew I would eventually enroll in AARP when the time came for me to do so. The benefits they offer are outstanding. Not only was I able to enroll through ZNZ, the credit for doing so was applied to my requirements to start earning with them. Other companies offer absolutely free trials as well that I received additional credit for. For the most part my startup costs were under $20 since I cancelled most of the free trial offers in the required time frame and kept the ones I was really interested in. I made back those costs my first week of earning with ZNZ.

          Secondly, I promote this way of earning as a business opportunity. ZNZ requires their promoters or agents to enroll in some of these free trials before getting started with earning with them. Now that I've completed my trial offers I spend an hour or two each night posting ads on the free internet classified sites such as Craigslist, Backpage etc...I have my ads all ready prepared using MS Word, so it is as easy as copying and pasting to these sites. ZNZ has provided me with my own free splash page to direct interested individuals for more information. I also spend my time writing in my blog, an excellent way of promoting that anyone can do for free as well and answering email inquiries about the opportunity with ZNZ. It doesn't end there, for my referrals interested in making extra income, I provide them with training, tips and techniques to get them off and running to success with ZNZ. For the ten to twelve hours I invest doing this each week, the rewards are phenomenal when the hourly breakdown is computed. And I'm still fine tuning my ad and promotion campaign to bring in more.

          So if this is something you're looking for to help with expenses, I urge you to contact me to get started. I will answer any questions or concerns you may have, recommend trial offers at no or very low cost to you and help you get started to success like I have found with this opportunity. I will also pay you $20 directly to your PayPal account to complete the three programs ZNZ offers to cover any costs incurred from the trial offers for you to get started. No where else can you start up for free and start earning hundreds each week in the comfort of your own home, in your spare time. Let me assist you to experience the success I've had with this unbelievable opportunity. Get started today earning the extra you're looking for!


Saturday, December 21, 2013

ZNZ, The Real Work At Home Experience

          Happy Holidays to all. Today I ran into quite a few people in the holiday spirit, many with negative feedback regarding ZNZ. I chose to dismiss the comments since these individuals made it obvious that they didn't really do their homework. To those who commented that they weren't impressed, all I can say is keep your comments to yourself and move on. If ZNZ is something you're not interested in, then you won't be successful. For every naysayer out there, I'll show you ten success stories. Success is what you put into it. For those looking to get rich overnight, move on. Nothing in life is that easy. ZNZ promises steady income resulting from the effort you put in. In my laser engraving business we have a phrase...crap in, crap out! Same goes with online promoting and marketing. The outcome is the result of the effort and quality you put in.

          When I started with ZNZ, although I made money from the first week, it took me time to find my niche and hone my marketing techniques. It didn't take long. I reworked my ad campaign to catch more eyes. I learned from my support team on what key words to use and what to advertise. I noticed more views and responses to my ads and more comments to social network posts. I answered emails personally and used no auto responders. Dealing with people on a personal basis, taking the time and effort to fully explain the what and how to details of ZNZ worked for me. I was able to turn people from disbeliever to curious through honest communication. After all, it cost nothing to start with ZNZ One and give it a try. Get your feet wet here, start earning $20 at a time before moving on to bigger and better.

          Enrolling in ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash requires a small investment with the trial offers but no more than $20 to get going. You'll make that back with your first referral. By that time you'll have all the tips and techniques down from promoting ZNZ One. Guiding referrals through the other two programs will net you more than $100 per referral. Due to what? The effort and quality you put in to your campaign. By effort I mean the time you utilize posting eye catching ads in the classifieds on line and posts you place on the ever popular social networking sites. With all the help and support out there to help you make it a success, the effort really isn't cumbersome. I usually post my ads on these sites on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I receive at least 10 to 15 responses and take the time to answer and explain what has to be done with each interested individual to be a success. For that effort I average about $500 per week in referrals. When I look back at the time invested, the hourly rate of pay far surpasses the hourly rate at my regular job that I've been working for 30 years.

          So for all the naysayers, fence sitters and pessimists, don't knock it or discourage those that want to be successful. For those curious and interested in earning more income from the comfort of your home, jump in and take a test drive for free. Don't spend a dime, you have nothing to lose if you aren't successful or don't strive to be successful. You have everything to gain if you think you can do this and want to be successful. Have no fears because you're not alone. I'm here to help you with your success and my support team is here to provide tips on getting you to that point.

          In fact, I will personally pay you $20 after you sign up and complete the offers in all three programs. ZNZ One, ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash. That will cover any low cost trials you may have to complete in the latter two programs. From there you may start earning for your efforts in promoting and marketing ZNZ. What other work at home opportunity offers this proposal? Start earning with no investment but time, complete all the trial requirements in all three programs and I'll pay you for that effort. The rest is up to you with help from all of us! Click the link below for more information and get started!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash; Ease The Financial Stress

          In a previous post I talked about ZNZ One and the opportunity to get into this marketing craze to earn money, twenty dollars at a time, for absolutely nothing. I've seen it and I've experienced it. I researched hundreds of ways to make money online and from the confines of my home before finding ZNZ. I wasn't interested in MLMs, matrixes and purchasing anyone's "system" to do so. The simple matter was I didn't have the money to lay out for purchases or to get involved with any pyramid scheme to triple my money overnight. Been there, done that. I didn't want to have to spend days and weeks recruiting people for a down line in order to make a few bucks. Marketing is not my forte and the catch phrases they wanted me to use just sounded so phony. Some people have a knack at selling you the things you don't need. I never really fell for that.

          ZNZ One offered me the opportunity to do exactly what I was looking for. No investment and the opportunity to earn from my home with just an hour or two each night promoting. I didn't have to bug family and friends to get involved. I sit at the computer getting the word out and answer emails inquiring about the business. Simple as that, my personal experience with ZNZ was enough to spark the initiative of those looking for the same opportunity. Promoting honestly went into auto pilot as the program sells itself. A series of twenty dollars came flowing in regularly as it still does. Now it was time to increase my earnings potential with ZNZ. I learned a lot with promoting ZNZ One being comfortable with my approach and finding my niche in advertising it.

          Through advise from my support team, I moved on to ZNZ's other programs, ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash. The rewards for these programs were much more than twenty dollars per referral. The promotion campaigns were no different than ZNZ One. Still the honest explanations and the ease of promoting were enough to get people in need of extra monthly income involved. In order to promote these two programs I wound up signing on for another seven free or low cost trial offers from the Fortune 500 companies working for ZNZ. I researched the offers thoroughly before signing up, noting expiration dates of the trials and the cost. To my benefit, with the holidays approaching, I found a few high credit offers and purchased items I would be giving away as gifts to family members. Score! All in all, I spent about eighteen dollars in trial offers with a few free ones to complete the requirements. Since I was steadily receiving income through ZNZ One, I looked at it as a business investment with my earnings.

          To further my promoting efforts, I signed on with the ZNZ Adteam, who provided me with my very own landing page absolutely free of charge. My landing page includes a video about the company and a portal for people to sign on to all the programs ZNZ offers. It also includes training information to help with success. Like I said, the program sells itself and all I'm doing is getting the word out there and answering inquiring emails. The benefit of these two programs is the payout per referral. In addition to bringing in twenty dollars per referral with ZNZ One, those that complete offers for ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash net me another $110.00 per referral. As referrals complete all three offers, I'm bringing in $130.00 for each one. But my job doesn't end there. These referrals are looking to bring in the income like myself and I'm right at their side helping them to achieve the level that I am at with this. I'm advising them, training them, helping them set up their own landing page to promote this and inviting them to support teams for more information, tips and techniques to help them earn. As a carpenter with 30+ years of experience working a nine to five job, I find this just as easy as promoting my technical abilities in the trade. And I'm not out of the house hustling jobs!

          This opportunity couldn't have come at a better time for me. As a single father, raising two children who I don't want to be away from, I can easily perform the work necessary earning with ZNZ as the children do their homework. Hustling jobs as a carpenter takes me away from my kids and my home. Something I needed to avoid in my off hours. As an analogy, I'm earning more with ZNZ than working ten hours over time at work and in less than half the time I would be swinging a hammer!

          This is truly an opportunity for anyone looking to work at home to earn a decent income at your leisure and potential. If you're a stay at home mom, dad or even a student looking to help with monthly expenses, tuition or books, this is an opportunity well looking into. Click the link below to see what it's all about. Provide your information to the top right of this post and I will contact you with more information and answer any questions you may have regarding this opportunity. Don't delay like I did, I will help you on your way to ease any financial stress. It helped me out in ways I can't explain.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


          I find one of the biggest hurdles to jump when marketing this internet sensation called ZNZ is convincing prospective referrals that ZNZ is not one of those get rich quick schemes you see plastered all over the social sites and the likes of Craigslist and Backpage. How many of those ads did I click on only to find promises of my bank account being filled with potential thousands of dollars overnight? The key word is potential. Sure the potential is there providing you lay out a lot of money to buy or get into the system and bring twenty five of your closest relatives into the fold. Even that doesn't fill the bank account! There is the potential to do or get anything in this life. It's a matter of doing something that's comfortable, interests you and the drive to go get it.

          In the late 1970's, I had the potential of earning my Bachelor's Degree by continuing with college after high school. Guess what? I switched my major after the first year and left my studies behind after my second. I worked in a supermarket, partied with my high school buddies and blew my paycheck before the weekend was over. I wasn't comfortable, school wasn't interesting at that time and my drive was low to go after it. Long story short...I joined the US Navy, travelled around the world a few times, got out, went back to work for the government, finished my Associate Degree, started a family and started a side business doing what I enjoyed...woodworking. The potential to finish my Bachelor's Degree was slowly building during this time and finally, when the time was comfortable for me, I went back to school and got my Engineering Degree in 2010! Thirty years had elapsed since the 1970's. But the potential and drive were there.

          Now I'm involved with promoting ZNZ and earning regularly with them. I passed up on all the get rich schemes and found this company which I knew had the potential to bring in a little extra income for myself and family. I'm not even promoting it to my full potential yet. What I try to instill in prospective referrals is that yes, the potential is there to earn legitimately, but it's not going to happen overnight. Sure you'll see a series of $20.00 deposits going into your account each week from the start. You have to start with step one and work yourself up to that potential we talk about. Get yourself registered and complete an offer with ZNZ One. Learn the techniques of promoting that to start from sponsors and support teams. Earn as you learn, talk with your sponsor and drive ahead with it. Gradually work your way up to ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash. By that time you'll have a knack on the promoting thing and with these two additional steps you'll earn bigger rewards and payouts with each referral you have register and complete the trial requirements. This is what is meant by potential. It's the expectation of things to come. You aren't going to see gigantic gains overnight. You will see little advances in the beginning. Discipline yourself to devoting an hour or two a night to learn the techniques and tips from those who have been there. Soon it becomes second nature and your effort becomes lesser while your earnings become greater. It's not going to come without the effort.

          This, I feel, is the honest approach in getting my referrals off the ground. Start with ZNZ One. Why?
  • It's free to register and complete your first trial.
  • You can start promoting immediately after doing so.
  • Start loading you account with $20 payouts for each referral. Let's say you bring in 3 referrals each day...Do the math. Is that comfortable to start?
  • ZNZ One provides you with a referral ID to link banners to your promotion campaigns.
  • It's easier to explain to your referrals about this free opportunity to join and start earning income.
          That's a start. Once in motion that drive sets in to move on to bigger earnings. There's that potential word again. Complete offers in ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash. Why? If you've gotten this far with ZNZ One I don't need to explain. But the potential is there to earn $100+ for each referral now. Is that drive enough? You're all ready equipped with the knowledge in promoting ZNZ One. There's nothing more needed to know to get your referrals for the other two programs.

          So there you have it. I can testify to the fact that ZNZ has the potential to fill your bank account with whatever your drive and effort dictate. Not overnight but in a short amount of time. Believe me when I say I have a lot on my plate and limited time between work, my woodworking business, my home and children. ZNZ provides me with that extra security and comfort in my financial affairs. I discipline myself to devote a little time each night with it and it now pays off almost effortlessly. Yes, I said almost! For the doubters, this is surely no scam, pyramid scheme or multi level marketing ploy. It's for real.

          Interested in taking a test drive? Or just taking the plunge for free to see what it's all about? Provide your information at the top right of this post or click the link below to get started. You'll be sure to hear from me in assisting you to get into your own comfort zone to earn some extra income. You won't regret it.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

If your not involved with ZNZ - You don't know what you're missing!

          Wow, I can't say how satisfied and happy I am since stumbling on to this internet marketing venture with ZNZ. My only regret is that I didn't find it sooner. I don't have a marketing background and my biggest fear with this was how I was going to promote it to generate some extra income. With all the support from those all ready involved, my fears became ambition. The program promotes itself, all I have to do is spread the word and explain a little as to how it all works. My landing page, which was set up for me for FREE, does the promoting for me. My effort is to get the word out there to others in similar situations looking to earn more income and help them get off and running. No gimmicks, no misleading lines; I don't promote the products but a unique and easy way to earn at home.

          Today I fined tuned my landing page complete with a video and signup bar for those interested in promoting ZNZ. To make it easier, I've included a contact form to the right of my blog post for those interested as they read this. Don't hesitate, fill in the form and I will personally contact you and help you get started. Don't ponder if you should do this or not like I did. It costs nothing for the information and nothing upfront to start earning from this. Once you sign up I will personally help you with everything you need to know and help you with your own landing page.

          Spreading the word only takes an hour of your time each day once you find your niche in promoting ZNZ. I spent hours in the beginning posting individual ads in a number of online classifieds. I became very proficient at it with the cut and paste technique! Simple ad with no misleading information. As a matter of fact, I don't include any links in my ads. I'd rather people contact me personally for more information. I can explain it and advise through my personal experiences. Rather than "capturing" people through a generic link, I want them to know what I've been through and how ZNZ took the edge off of my financial woes. Anyone in my situation should be taking advantage of this. The no cost to start up, the daily payouts, the little amount of time invested and the support system available sold me on it. For me it was if the stars were aligned at the right time!

          Don't hesitate if you're in a bind, need to catch up on bills, need a little extra each month or for the holidays and just want to live a comfortable life. ZNZ will help you accomplish these needs. Jump right in and get started through the link below or fill out the contact information to the right and I'll provide you with more information right away. At no cost, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Start Earning With ZNZ One

          I'm now in full swing with promoting ZNZ and the earnings are building up. I spent the past few nights perfecting advertisements and posting them on the various free classified sites I've researched and bookmarked. I continue blogging about this and I will soon begin talking about it on the forums I've researched and joined. I hit my training site daily, soaking in all the ways I can promote this in the proper manner. If it's done properly, according to the training, the possibilities of bringing in those leads of interested referrals are ever flowing. Remember, referral marketing is based on word of mouth, encouragement and assistance. If you sound deceiving, potential leads pick that up. When leads come in, I like to follow up with an email to explain the earning potential ZNZ has to offer and reassure my prospective referral that I am available to help them succeed providing them all the tools I've been equipped with. There is a big difference between an honest email chat and an auto responded email when communicating the benefits being offered here. I can offer advice, answer questions and direct people to the appropriate websites, blogs and social pages to dispel any doubt and further their research. It has worked for me and I have absolutely no problems in dispelling any rumors or doubt based on my own experiences and success.

          Let's talk about ZNZ One...this is the kickoff to your involvement with ZNZ and a great money making program to begin with. In order to promote it and earn with it, you must participate in it. You must be referred by an active affiliate to start and complete the one trial offer requirement. Just one? Yes, just one trial is all that is required, and there are many FREE ones to select from. My first offer was a free credit report with a 14 day trial. Not only did I get to review my credit scores, but I happened to cancel the trial within the 14 day period and still received the credit enabling me to bring on referrals through the unique code supplied to me by the company. Wondering what a referral code is? This is the code you need referrals to register under for you to get credit for any potential earnings from ZNZ. This is the code letting your referrals how to get in contact with you as their sponsor. This is why you need to know how the operation works and guide your referrals through the process putting them on the road to greater earnings through the company. Research the training and stick to a plan and it becomes second nature. Most of all, this is how ZNZ pays you! With ZNZ One, for every referral you register that completes their one free trial offer, you get paid $20.00. Think about that...if you can promote this properly and bring on 5 referrals each day to complete a FREE trial the end of the week you'll have earned $700.00 cash deposited directly into your PayPal account or whatever you've chosen as a means of payment. Could you use an extra $700.00 each week for about an hour's worth of work each night placing ads, writing blogs and spreading this by word of mouth? I didn't think twice about it.
          It doesn't end there however. Greater earnings are on the horizon with ZNZ's other programs. There are more trials to complete as an affiliate, but the rewards for promoting and bringing on referrals are even greater. Get started with ZNZ One and I'll provide more information regarding the incredible earning potential through the other programs in my upcoming blogs! If you have doubt, concerns or questions, don't hesitate to comment or follow this blog. I will surely contact you and provide you with everything you need to know and share with you, my experiences in freeing up my own financial woes.
Still on the fence? Click the link, watch the video, register and check out the FREE trial offers from these Fortune 500 companies. You won't regret it!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

ZNZ - Earning Income At Home With Referral Marketing

          Now that I've been doing this online venture for a couple of weeks, I continually research and improve my methods of promoting the benefits of ZNZ. Mind you, I only got into this to explore the possibilities of making extra income without having to work outside my home. This is something I can do from my laptop as I sit at my kitchen table enjoying a cup of coffee after work. And yes, for anyone that may doubt it, it is paying off and I have been earning. As I keep up with training tips and my own research, I'm becoming more proficient at advertising this by way of social media, blogging, forums and classified ad posting. I'm finding my niches!

          The terms and keywords I come across on a daily basis are Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Referral Marketing. Where does ZNZ fit into all of this? I find Affiliate Marketing is commission based wherein the business rewards the "affiliate" for bringing in new visitors or customers. The business has a product or a "brand" which the affiliates promote. The hierarchy includes the retailer, the network for promoting, the affiliate and the customer. The same methods are used as in internet marketing incorporating search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (Pay Per Click) and email marketing. Long gone are the days when we used to see the travelling salesman going door to door selling their company's vacuum cleaning system! has anyone seen the Fuller Brush salesman around lately?

          The internet has opened the doors to the world in this manner. No more concentration on small neighborhoods, the ability is there to expose "the brand" globally. Why not make use of the technology? Hence my endeavor promoting from the comfort of my kitchen.

          When it comes to ZNZ, this company utilizes all the aspects of marketing. Internet, Affiliate and Referral. More so with referral because this is exactly what I do. I refer potential customers to try a few trial offers and in turn they may head down the same path as I, making money by referring others. Sound like an MLM or Pyramid? It is absolutely NOT! There are no downlines and no profits gained by the efforts put in by your referrals. That's the beauty of this. There is no arm bending to bring two people into the program and having them bring two people in and so on and so on... You promote, inform and encourage referrals as to the benefits they may look forward to from the trial offers they may enroll in and the fact that they now have the ability to earn by doing the same in a like manner. Trust is built by word of mouth putting words into actions. Unlike affiliate marketing which is to drive sales for financial gains in the way of commissions. ZNZ offers exposure for Fortune 500 companies to have potential clients try free or next to nothing offers. There is over 200 companies funding ZNZ with their products or services. ZNZ is paying affiliates like you and me to help drive the exposure. Affiliates get paid whether the referral continues the trial or opts out. I've actually kept some of the low cost items while cancelling membership in most others.

          What is it that I promote through ZNZ? I'm promoting a way for the non executive type to earn a little more income to help out with those monthly expenses without laboring on their feet away from their home for hours a day. I do that at my regular job for mediocre pay (haven't had a raise in four years). Promoting ZNZ for a couple of hours a night, for me, is more beneficial than working four hours of overtime everyday. It's a no brainer. What do I do for the two hours? I place free classifieds ads, blog and answer email inquiries about the company. That's all. If you're looking to earn that little extra I encourage you to click below and see what it all about. Drop me a line if you have questions, need advice or need help getting this started for you.

          Start with ZNZ One, complete 1 trial offer and start referring. For each referral you bring on board with your unique referral number, you will get paid $20 per referral. Imagine having five referrals each day complete just one offer! Is that the little extra you're looking for? For bigger referral rewards, go on to complete ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash. There are a few more trials to enroll in but just the same, you may cancel anytime within the trial period. I completed all three within two nights and started seeing profit on my fourth day! IT WORKS!

          To close, I wouldn't be writing this blog or promoting ZNZ if it wasn't working for me. With a little more effort on my part, I will be increasing my earnings to attain a more comfortable, debt free life after the financial difficulties I've experienced these past few years. Click below to get started on a more comfortable life for yourself. Please contact me at the email address on my site and I will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. I will help you and provide the training to get your feet on the ground running with this awesome opportunity. Take action today!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Off and Running With ZNZ

          Short blurb today. Spent part of the day setting up my blogs, one on internet marketing and one on woodworking issues, so I could get more exposure with them. Blogger seems to have all the ingredients to do such a task. A little tweaking and I'll get these things out to the proper audiences. Still trying to find that niche that will capture some leads out there. The ads I posted brought in quite an unexpected few and I took the time to personally email them and explain the ins and outs of ZNZ.

          One lead has completed a requirement, another was all ready involved with affiliate marketing but shared some information on how to obtain leads to get my word out there. Definitely not making the potential thousands a month but very satisfied with what came in this past week. I'll post a few more ads before retiring tonight and see what may come of it tomorrow. Different techniques for everyone with this. Some post to hundreds of groups on Facebook each day and land quite a few leads. Sometimes I feel like I'm intruding when I post something in a group that has nothing to do with affiliate marketing. Some posts I put up there actually got comments from scoundrels piggy backing on my post with their own marketing program! And there are soooo many out there. Hard to tell which ones are scams or not. What the hell is a matrix? Sounds like a pyramid to me. Turning $1.75 into thousands in a few days without doing anything seems odd.

          I can truly say that ZNZ is one in which you only have to promote what they actually do. You attract people to take trial offers, you get paid for bringing them on board and they in turn can do the same thing with others and get paid as well. I have been signed up with another group which I'll return to shortly. This group is more involved with the trading aspect of affiliate marketing. You bring someone on board and pay them to complete trials. For example, you register for the $400 Paypal payout and bring four referrals on to complete their trials but you pay them $50 each and keep $200 for yourself. Not to mention the $40 per month you must pay the site to be a trader! It certainly makes sense if you're pulling in that amount of traffic. When ZNZ becomes more profitable for me, I'll likely reinvest in something like this. Again, it's all about the effort that is put in and the techniques used to attract referrals. ZNZ, I find, is easier to promote with less confusion and bigger rewards for the effort. Time to post!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Promoting ZNZ and Work at Home Ventures

          After a huge Thanksgiving meal on Thursday night, going to work on Friday really wasn't an option. Thank goodness for liberal leave policies! Spent the day straightening up the house, sorting through bills and planning the week to come. I sat at the computer for a while researching all the options of promoting this new work at home business with ZNZ. Google searches are one thing, but I have an awesome support group page on Facebook where I can go and download documents, watch videos and gather information placed there by colleagues who have been there done that. A newbie to this, all I can say is the information is right there for the taking. Information that will help get you off and running from day one.

          Before leaving for dinner on Thursday night, my phone buzzed with an email notification. Boom, there it was, a referral had just completed their offers! I thought "money in my pocket." I awoke on Friday morning with emails and FB notifications asking for more information on ZNZ. I emailed the potential referrals with all the details of the marketing program and how they too, could be making money with this part time, work at home venture. Later I sat and made a list of free classified ad websites in which I could post ads to promote ZNZ in the hopes of bringing in more referrals. I posted to a number of sites like Craig's List, Backpage, Free etc...I then moved on to some forums where I thought I could expose this phenomena to others down on their luck or in need of a second job. Believe it or not, I hit it head on. I was able to chat with some of these folks and explained to them what I had stumbled on a few weeks ago. A simple "check out this page" was easy to relay to them and spark an interest. All in all I spent about three hours posting to classifieds, forums and social media with a very simple ad looking for interested people to contact me for more information. I didn't want to leave them to just point and click to a capture page. I felt it necessary to have them contact me, so I could explain the business from a personal point of view.

          I remember how I felt in my quest to find an opportunity like this to work at home earning the extra I needed. To click on an ad and find a big picture of someone holding a wad of cash saying you could make $10,000 a day was such a turn off. Scam, scheme...BS! I never did come across this with any promotional ploy with ZNZ. In fact I got started through a very thoughtful conversation with someone on Facebook. The program was explained to me before I did further research and my decision to sign on. I want to offer the same to any potential referral I bring on board. I want to make sure they know this is not a get rich overnight deal. I want to make sure they're comfortable in knowing I'm there to help them out in completing they're requirements as well as being at ease with the promotional techniques they will have to understand. I've never had to post ads of any sort online in classifieds or forums of this nature. I belong to a number of woodworking forums where I have had input on techniques to share with others in my trade. Attracting people to market ZNZ is a different ballgame. But I'm a quick learner and if I was going to give this a shot, I was going to learn the ins and outs as soon as possible. I found it quite easy and posted around 15 to 20 ads before going to bed.

          Again, I was awaken this morning to the bells and whistles going off on my phone which I had sitting on the nightstand. Rubbing my eyes, there were inquiries on Facebook and emails asking for more information regarding ZNZ. Made myself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table answering the emails and Facebook posts in a non scripted, non robotic tone. Simply put it out there as it was. As I started preparing for the day, after a cup of coffee, Boom; there goes my phone again. "You have just received a payment from **** in your PayPal account!" Wow, I could get used to this. An hour later, Boom...another notification of a payment into my PayPal account. Incentive enough to get dressed quickly and get more ads out there, hit the forums and add more groups to my Facebook account in order to get the word out. I can't wait to see what messages I'll be waking up to tomorrow!

          So from my first post about a week ago wondering if money can be made with internet marketing, I think it suffice to say...most definitely. I found ZNZ to be a no brainer. Little or absolutely no cost to get started. Training and support everywhere I turn. A website I was given to refer potential work at home marketers. Know it is up to me to put the time in and keep it rolling in!
If you're thinking about earning a little more, don't hesitate. Check it out for yourself. Click the link below, view the video and get started with step one on the site. Nothing to lose, a lot to gain!

Friday, November 29, 2013

It Is Actually Working

Okay, I just spent some time the past few days getting the word out about this new venture I got involved with promoting ZNZ as a way to earn some extra income on a weekly basis. I've been doing it passively and have gotten a few people interested in it registering and completing trials. I've emailed them letting them know I am here to help them get started like I did. And I've all ready generated a small income as I write.

When I say passively, I mean I'm not spamming people or feeding them a line of BS to lure them into signing on to this. I've gotten some nasty Facebook responses and reassured these people I was only throwing this out there for those needing a leg up. Nothing sneaky, I wasn't pointing them to a site where they'd be snared into something they weren't sure of. I can only pass along my experiences with it. If you go to my page, just listen to what it's all about. That's all I asked. If it's not your gig or cup of tea, I don't mind. I'm not hounding! A lot of people are interested in making a few dollars while sitting around the house doing nothing. I'm not getting rich, but I'm paying my monthly expenses with no anxiety.

Soon I'll get into promoting this the way others are as I progress and gain more knowledge. I'm used to swinging a hammer for a living as a means of income. This is something completely different but like I said, I can sit at my kitchen table and promote it without breaking my back outside my home. And I have a great support team who are making a lot more of an income helping me out. So if you are interested in this, all I can say is check it out and make an informed decision that's right for you.

I'm putting in the time and it is definitely working for me. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns about it.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Have My Prayers Been Answered?

Since my last blog about the income potentials with Project Payday, I’ve had the opportunity to do more research into these affiliate marketing ventures. I’ve scoured their sites, talked with people personally involved and earning income with them and even found support groups on Facebook with people who are doing so well, that they’re helping others to get up and running with it. I am now involved with a few of them in an effort to bring in more income each month. Hence the change in my blog title.

            I am a carpenter by trade. I have no sales experience, but I can sell my services and abilities in my chosen trade to those looking for my experience. I work a 9 to 5 job and own a small home based woodworking and laser engraving company, but I’m always looking to earn more. A few years ago I earned a BS in Construction Management Engineering however, with 30+ years vested in my employment; it’s not worth leaving at this moment. My business brings in little income with spurts at certain times of the year. I’m trying to market my business website to attract more traffic and increase sales. Did I mention I am a Cubmaster for my son’s Cub Scout Pack as well?

            Unfortunately I ran into a great family and financial crisis recently which has me on the verge of bankruptcy. I was desperate more than ever to find a way to make additional income. A traditional job wouldn’t work for me since I have two children to care for after school and at night. If not for my responsibilities to them I would work day and night outside my home. Next best thing was work at home opportunities. There are many scams out there in this respect. I spent hours searching before exploring the Project Payday site. It’s a legit site and as long as you put in the effort, you can make some money. Through further research, and engaging conversation with people involved in my area and online, I found another affiliate market I became interested in; ZNZ!

            ZNZ is not a multilevel marketing scheme, you do not have to hound your friends and family to get involved and best of all, there are no start-up costs! I’m in! Again, like PPD, you must complete trial offers or inexpensive purchases to get up and running. I signed up for trial offers for free and wound up cancelling membership before the expiration of the trial. Some offers I kept since the holidays are coming up and needed a few gifts. I retained all credit earned to complete the requirements. I spent about $20.00 on purchases and earned the credit for doing so. I wound up completing offers in ZNZ one, ZNZ two and ZNZ big cash. Why all three? It’s three times the opportunity to earn through ZNZ. That’s all I needed to do, for LIFE. I’m in and working on the marketing aspect of it. Should be a breeze since I blog, post ads etc…I’m computer savvy!

            With my requirements completed, I am now set up with a capture page (free after completing ZNZ one) to bring referrals on board. Referrals are the key to bringing in the needed income. Referrals are those people like me looking to earn a little more in the comfort of their home. Sitting at my kitchen table at night for an hour, posting four or five ads as I’m having a cup of coffee earns me from $30 to $350 a day right into my PayPal account. This certainly puts my feet back on firm ground with my financial situation.  It’s a win-win prospect for everyone involved.

As my referrals complete their offers and free trials, I’m paid daily depending on what program they complete. To get paid by ZNZ you only need ONE referral to complete either One, Two or Big Cash. Once complete, my referrals now have the opportunity to earn through their referrals. I provide them with all the support to get them up and running, just as my sponsor did for me. The program actually sells itself and I have had absolutely no problems or glitches getting to where I am. I completed everything within two nights, maybe a half hour each evening. There are groups and training available to advise you on how to market ZNZ on Facebook, forums and other social sites. I make myself available to guide my referrals as most are who are involved. Did I mention that I only got involved a week ago?

I’m not looking to push this on anyone. No one pushed it on me. I am not naïve nor am I interested in any get rich quick schemes and scams on the internet. I just don’t have the time. I stumbled across this in my quest and researched it thoroughly before getting involved. I don’t know why more people are not taking advantage of this opportunity. I see what people are earning from this and I’ve earned myself. I’m constantly talking with my support group friends learning more ways to market this. For me, there’s much more potential and I’m going after that.

So for my readers here, if you’re in a similar situation or just looking to earn a little extra (or a lot) to help out during the month, all I can say is check it out. Give it a try at no risk, no cost and see what your potential may be. Start with ZNZ One, complete a free trial offer, set up a PayPal account and have someone try it as well using the referral number you get after you complete your free trial offer. You’ll be paid over night! ZNZ One pay outs are $20 per referral; Two nets $30 per referral. Even more if a referral completes ZNZ Big Cash. Click below to see what it’s all about. If you’re unsure or have questions, don’t hesitate to email me at the address on the site. I will be more than happy to answer your inquiries and help you get started with this! It answered my prayers. I hope it helps you out as well.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Can you really earn residual income from home?

          About two weeks ago I started toying with some ideas about making some money from the comfort of my own home rather than going out seeking a second job in the traditional fashion. With kids at home the option really wasn't there. I started researching the world of (Internet Freebie Websites) IFWs and the like and to my surprise I found a world out there devoted to such a venture. What are the possibilities and what kind of earnings can be made through something like this? I read for days checking out the websites to see what was involved. I got tired of the websites looking to sell you "their" system to get rich. "For only $79.95, you can have this 3 CD set and learn all my secrets." Anyone seriously looking to make some residual earnings on the web doesn't want to buy anything. I was the same way. I had no funds to lay out to "learn" someone's system. These sites didn't even make it clear as to what industry you were getting into for your money.
          I heard about Project Payday awhile ago and passed it off as another get rich quick scheme. I decided to look into it again, set up and account with an email and password and was happy to see you could now get access to all the information without paying the $30+ registration fee to get started! Instead, they offered the registration with a requirement to register on a site called Swagbucks, earn 450 Swagbucks and purchase a $5.00 gift card from Amazon with these imaginary bucks. All I needed to do was answer surveys, do some internet searches and watch some movie trailers! I completed the requirements in one night and it didn't cost me a dime! Only about an hour and a half of my time.
          I then took my time reading through the "training" manual to get me started on earning that extra income. The industry is set up to attract people to various companies and try out some free trial memberships with them. I found, in my research, that the advertising departments of these companies have huge budgets to get their names out there. They include Netflix, Free Credit Report.Com, Protect My Identity, Brain Buys etc...To get your feet wet and learn the system, they had me do the "Fast Fifty" training exercise. I set up a registration with a site they chose and proceeded to fulfill the requirement of obtaining 100 credits in signing up for various free trials. The credits do differ with each offer, so you can choose from a list of about 80 offers. Most were valued at 10 - 20 credits. Again I fulfilled the requirement in about an hour. The next day I received an email that $50 had been deposited in my PayPal account. I rushed to the site at lunch break and sure enough, the money had been deposited! $50 for an hours work in front of a computer. Not too bad! Again, not a dime of mine was invested!
          Now it was time to move on to one of those IFWs to earn more. I registered at one that was recommended as a "newbie." It was my task to find a mentor, someone I could "trade" with and advise me on learning the ropes. Same set up, you find a trader, set up and account with one of their sites and complete similar offers as in the Fast Fifty. This particular site offered the same $50 to complete the offer, $10 to complete a survey and $5 to say hello in their trader forum. $65 for another hour of work!
          The next step is where you can start to earn bigger rewards. You can stay with completing offers for the $50 or you can elevate to a trader on these sites. How it works...As a trader, you have a site where you can earn $400 cash right into your PayPal account or other amounts and even offers of free gifts like an xBox system or iPhone. Your requirement is to refer 4 people to your site and complete offers. Once they complete the offers, or "go green" the trader gets $400 and pays their referrals $50 each. A cool $200 for the trader. Different cash amounts or gifts may require varying amounts of referrals to earn the gift.
          In this situation everyone wins. The site gets paid from the advertiser, the trader gets paid in cash or gifts and the "newbie" or referral gets paid to complete the offer. They also pay for referrals just to sign on the website also. PPD pays $1.50 per referral but in order to make a decent amount this way one must promote the site and garner a lot of traffic.
          One thing I did learn is that not all is free. The offers you sign up for do charge a small amount as a trial but not overly expensive. I actually completed some offers for children's books to give to nieces at Christmas time. I will continue this venture and see where it may take me. I would love to hear any comments from others who have explored this as well. Check out the site. I'll keep you posted!