Friday, November 29, 2013

It Is Actually Working

Okay, I just spent some time the past few days getting the word out about this new venture I got involved with promoting ZNZ as a way to earn some extra income on a weekly basis. I've been doing it passively and have gotten a few people interested in it registering and completing trials. I've emailed them letting them know I am here to help them get started like I did. And I've all ready generated a small income as I write.

When I say passively, I mean I'm not spamming people or feeding them a line of BS to lure them into signing on to this. I've gotten some nasty Facebook responses and reassured these people I was only throwing this out there for those needing a leg up. Nothing sneaky, I wasn't pointing them to a site where they'd be snared into something they weren't sure of. I can only pass along my experiences with it. If you go to my page, just listen to what it's all about. That's all I asked. If it's not your gig or cup of tea, I don't mind. I'm not hounding! A lot of people are interested in making a few dollars while sitting around the house doing nothing. I'm not getting rich, but I'm paying my monthly expenses with no anxiety.

Soon I'll get into promoting this the way others are as I progress and gain more knowledge. I'm used to swinging a hammer for a living as a means of income. This is something completely different but like I said, I can sit at my kitchen table and promote it without breaking my back outside my home. And I have a great support team who are making a lot more of an income helping me out. So if you are interested in this, all I can say is check it out and make an informed decision that's right for you.

I'm putting in the time and it is definitely working for me. Feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns about it.

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