Saturday, November 30, 2013

Promoting ZNZ and Work at Home Ventures

          After a huge Thanksgiving meal on Thursday night, going to work on Friday really wasn't an option. Thank goodness for liberal leave policies! Spent the day straightening up the house, sorting through bills and planning the week to come. I sat at the computer for a while researching all the options of promoting this new work at home business with ZNZ. Google searches are one thing, but I have an awesome support group page on Facebook where I can go and download documents, watch videos and gather information placed there by colleagues who have been there done that. A newbie to this, all I can say is the information is right there for the taking. Information that will help get you off and running from day one.

          Before leaving for dinner on Thursday night, my phone buzzed with an email notification. Boom, there it was, a referral had just completed their offers! I thought "money in my pocket." I awoke on Friday morning with emails and FB notifications asking for more information on ZNZ. I emailed the potential referrals with all the details of the marketing program and how they too, could be making money with this part time, work at home venture. Later I sat and made a list of free classified ad websites in which I could post ads to promote ZNZ in the hopes of bringing in more referrals. I posted to a number of sites like Craig's List, Backpage, Free etc...I then moved on to some forums where I thought I could expose this phenomena to others down on their luck or in need of a second job. Believe it or not, I hit it head on. I was able to chat with some of these folks and explained to them what I had stumbled on a few weeks ago. A simple "check out this page" was easy to relay to them and spark an interest. All in all I spent about three hours posting to classifieds, forums and social media with a very simple ad looking for interested people to contact me for more information. I didn't want to leave them to just point and click to a capture page. I felt it necessary to have them contact me, so I could explain the business from a personal point of view.

          I remember how I felt in my quest to find an opportunity like this to work at home earning the extra I needed. To click on an ad and find a big picture of someone holding a wad of cash saying you could make $10,000 a day was such a turn off. Scam, scheme...BS! I never did come across this with any promotional ploy with ZNZ. In fact I got started through a very thoughtful conversation with someone on Facebook. The program was explained to me before I did further research and my decision to sign on. I want to offer the same to any potential referral I bring on board. I want to make sure they know this is not a get rich overnight deal. I want to make sure they're comfortable in knowing I'm there to help them out in completing they're requirements as well as being at ease with the promotional techniques they will have to understand. I've never had to post ads of any sort online in classifieds or forums of this nature. I belong to a number of woodworking forums where I have had input on techniques to share with others in my trade. Attracting people to market ZNZ is a different ballgame. But I'm a quick learner and if I was going to give this a shot, I was going to learn the ins and outs as soon as possible. I found it quite easy and posted around 15 to 20 ads before going to bed.

          Again, I was awaken this morning to the bells and whistles going off on my phone which I had sitting on the nightstand. Rubbing my eyes, there were inquiries on Facebook and emails asking for more information regarding ZNZ. Made myself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen table answering the emails and Facebook posts in a non scripted, non robotic tone. Simply put it out there as it was. As I started preparing for the day, after a cup of coffee, Boom; there goes my phone again. "You have just received a payment from **** in your PayPal account!" Wow, I could get used to this. An hour later, Boom...another notification of a payment into my PayPal account. Incentive enough to get dressed quickly and get more ads out there, hit the forums and add more groups to my Facebook account in order to get the word out. I can't wait to see what messages I'll be waking up to tomorrow!

          So from my first post about a week ago wondering if money can be made with internet marketing, I think it suffice to say...most definitely. I found ZNZ to be a no brainer. Little or absolutely no cost to get started. Training and support everywhere I turn. A website I was given to refer potential work at home marketers. Know it is up to me to put the time in and keep it rolling in!
If you're thinking about earning a little more, don't hesitate. Check it out for yourself. Click the link below, view the video and get started with step one on the site. Nothing to lose, a lot to gain!

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