Thursday, December 26, 2013

Earn Extra Income In Your Spare Time...Help With Monthly Expenses With ZNZ

          Now that the holiday season is winding down and a new year is upon us, we're back to reality with meeting monthly obligations and paying off some of the holiday debt we may have incurred. This year Santa was able to provide for my family without the use of credit cards and plastic! A first for me. Thanks to ZNZ and the income I've earned this past month through my online promotion campaign with them. It would have been a bleak holiday season had I not found ZNZ and jumped right in around Thanksgiving time. It's nice to hear my children laughing and playing with their gifts right now as I'm writing.

          For those interested in paying off some debt, meeting monthly expenses or just wanting to build up your bank accounts for a rainy day, I urge you to take a look at ZNZ. A few months ago I was on the verge of bankruptcy and in fear of losing my home and not being able to provide for my children. In desperation, I turned to some sort of online ways of earning extra income without having to work outside my home away from my children. I wasn't interested in selling products, getting involved with pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing programs. I didn't have the money to lay out for these programs like they all insisted I must do to get started. By chance, someone told me to research ZNZ (ZipNadaZilch) for free to see if it was something I'd be able to do from my home and in my spare time.

          It proved to be exactly what I was looking for. No start up costs, no hounding relatives and friends to join my network in order to be paid and all in the comfort of my home in my spare time. For an hour or two a night, I have found that financial freedom to provide for my family and live a little more comfortably. No selling, no cold calling simply, promoting this business opportunity to others in need. If I can do this with absolutely no marketing background, so can others.

          What is ZNZ and how can you earn with them? These are the inquiries I receive almost daily in my promotion campaign. ZNZ is a broker backed by powerful Fortune 500 companies helping them promote their businesses. Companies like Netflix, Free Credit Reports, AARP, Discover Card etc...are utilizing the internet to get their names out there. TV advertising, Direct Mailing and Newspaper advertising have been on the decline with the advances in technology and the internet. I don't even subscribe to my local newspaper anymore since I'm on the computer everyday and pick up news interests from there. These Fortune 500 companies use services like ZNZ to do the promoting for them. From my research, ZNZ pays people like me, who do the promoting, substantially compared with other brokers doing the same. Most will pay a dollar or two per referral whereas ZNZ will reward you with $20 to $130 per referral. No Brainer! It all depends on the effort and time you put in. In my experience, the effort is minimal to earn $300 to $500 or more each week.

          What I do with ZNZ to earn income is twofold. I promote the free/low cost trial offers the Fortune 500 companies are advertising. For example, I knew I would eventually enroll in AARP when the time came for me to do so. The benefits they offer are outstanding. Not only was I able to enroll through ZNZ, the credit for doing so was applied to my requirements to start earning with them. Other companies offer absolutely free trials as well that I received additional credit for. For the most part my startup costs were under $20 since I cancelled most of the free trial offers in the required time frame and kept the ones I was really interested in. I made back those costs my first week of earning with ZNZ.

          Secondly, I promote this way of earning as a business opportunity. ZNZ requires their promoters or agents to enroll in some of these free trials before getting started with earning with them. Now that I've completed my trial offers I spend an hour or two each night posting ads on the free internet classified sites such as Craigslist, Backpage etc...I have my ads all ready prepared using MS Word, so it is as easy as copying and pasting to these sites. ZNZ has provided me with my own free splash page to direct interested individuals for more information. I also spend my time writing in my blog, an excellent way of promoting that anyone can do for free as well and answering email inquiries about the opportunity with ZNZ. It doesn't end there, for my referrals interested in making extra income, I provide them with training, tips and techniques to get them off and running to success with ZNZ. For the ten to twelve hours I invest doing this each week, the rewards are phenomenal when the hourly breakdown is computed. And I'm still fine tuning my ad and promotion campaign to bring in more.

          So if this is something you're looking for to help with expenses, I urge you to contact me to get started. I will answer any questions or concerns you may have, recommend trial offers at no or very low cost to you and help you get started to success like I have found with this opportunity. I will also pay you $20 directly to your PayPal account to complete the three programs ZNZ offers to cover any costs incurred from the trial offers for you to get started. No where else can you start up for free and start earning hundreds each week in the comfort of your own home, in your spare time. Let me assist you to experience the success I've had with this unbelievable opportunity. Get started today earning the extra you're looking for!


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