Monday, December 30, 2013

Make ZNZ Part Of Your New Year's Resolution

          2013 is coming to an end and a New Year is approaching in two short days. How has 2013 treated you? What are your hopes for 2014? Have you made your New Year's resolutions? Have you resolved to be a better person? Promised to take care of the things you've neglected this past year? I know, me too. I often make similar resolutions from year to year. Not that I don't keep them, sometimes I get side tracked with other things in life that seem more pressing. 2013 has been a horrible year for me...up until around Thanksgiving time anyway. It was around that time my search for a decent way to earn some income online came to almost a complete halt. My frustration from listening to the con lines about making millions overnight with this program and that, spending money to earn some money and all the other schemes that were being offered were put behind me, I found ZipNadaZilch, commonly referred to as ZNZ. Here was an opportunity to make hundreds each week, not millions, for about an hour or two each night from my home. No back breaking work, no sales and no cold calling. Not an opportunity where you must enlist twenty five individuals under you to make a few bucks and nothing to lay out in up front costs. Simply put, I post ads for free on classified websites and social pages to promote Fortune 500 companies through one of their brokers, ZNZ. I answer emails from people looking to try the services of these companies as well as explaining a fabulous business opportunity they can be part of doing the same as me, for no cost other than an hour or two a night.

          I have no marketing skills and have tried similar companies who paid out peanuts for referrals. Not ZNZ; a simple broker who passes along fees they're paid by the Fortune 500 companies to people like me who do the actual promoting. Peanuts versus over $100 per referral. I didn't have to think twice. For the same effort I was putting in with these other companies my income increased from $5 per week to $500 per week with ZNZ. My work with them for the night is finished by the time the kids have their homework done on the weekdays. For this, I wait and watch my earnings steadily increase daily, while I enjoy more time with my family without the stress of financial woes.

          As a "newbie" since my start in November, I've tested the waters, honed my marketing techniques and found my niches to promote this opportunity. My New Year's resolution for 2014 is to increase my efforts in marketing and promoting this business opportunity and sharing it with anyone looking to earn a little more income or relieve some financial stress in their lives. I can't explain in words how this new "line of work" has helped me out in this past month alone. All I can say is give it a try for free and see for yourself. Don't sweat the promoting or how successful you might not be. I had the same fears but overcame them quickly with all the support available to be successful. When I made my first few hundred within a week, I wanted to be successful. Those efforts increased my earning potential and I'm happy to be over the initial worries. The promoting is actually the easiest part of this opportunity. Everything provided me does the actual convincing that this is a real work at home opportunity that pays. Anyone can do it!

          So as my last post for 2013, I invite all of you interested in this type of opportunity to contact me, sign up and get started for free by clicking the link below or just check it out. I'm available to help you get on your way to financial independence. For a limited time I am offering a $20 bonus to those signing up and completing the three steps ZNZ has to offer in earning extra income. Contact me for more information about this. If you have questions, concerns or need more information, don't hesitate to get in touch. There is no risk what so ever and only you can decide if this is right for you. I was for me and I'm glad I decided to take on this venture!

Happy New Year to One and All!

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