Saturday, December 21, 2013

ZNZ, The Real Work At Home Experience

          Happy Holidays to all. Today I ran into quite a few people in the holiday spirit, many with negative feedback regarding ZNZ. I chose to dismiss the comments since these individuals made it obvious that they didn't really do their homework. To those who commented that they weren't impressed, all I can say is keep your comments to yourself and move on. If ZNZ is something you're not interested in, then you won't be successful. For every naysayer out there, I'll show you ten success stories. Success is what you put into it. For those looking to get rich overnight, move on. Nothing in life is that easy. ZNZ promises steady income resulting from the effort you put in. In my laser engraving business we have a phrase...crap in, crap out! Same goes with online promoting and marketing. The outcome is the result of the effort and quality you put in.

          When I started with ZNZ, although I made money from the first week, it took me time to find my niche and hone my marketing techniques. It didn't take long. I reworked my ad campaign to catch more eyes. I learned from my support team on what key words to use and what to advertise. I noticed more views and responses to my ads and more comments to social network posts. I answered emails personally and used no auto responders. Dealing with people on a personal basis, taking the time and effort to fully explain the what and how to details of ZNZ worked for me. I was able to turn people from disbeliever to curious through honest communication. After all, it cost nothing to start with ZNZ One and give it a try. Get your feet wet here, start earning $20 at a time before moving on to bigger and better.

          Enrolling in ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash requires a small investment with the trial offers but no more than $20 to get going. You'll make that back with your first referral. By that time you'll have all the tips and techniques down from promoting ZNZ One. Guiding referrals through the other two programs will net you more than $100 per referral. Due to what? The effort and quality you put in to your campaign. By effort I mean the time you utilize posting eye catching ads in the classifieds on line and posts you place on the ever popular social networking sites. With all the help and support out there to help you make it a success, the effort really isn't cumbersome. I usually post my ads on these sites on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I receive at least 10 to 15 responses and take the time to answer and explain what has to be done with each interested individual to be a success. For that effort I average about $500 per week in referrals. When I look back at the time invested, the hourly rate of pay far surpasses the hourly rate at my regular job that I've been working for 30 years.

          So for all the naysayers, fence sitters and pessimists, don't knock it or discourage those that want to be successful. For those curious and interested in earning more income from the comfort of your home, jump in and take a test drive for free. Don't spend a dime, you have nothing to lose if you aren't successful or don't strive to be successful. You have everything to gain if you think you can do this and want to be successful. Have no fears because you're not alone. I'm here to help you with your success and my support team is here to provide tips on getting you to that point.

          In fact, I will personally pay you $20 after you sign up and complete the offers in all three programs. ZNZ One, ZNZ Two and ZNZ Big Cash. That will cover any low cost trials you may have to complete in the latter two programs. From there you may start earning for your efforts in promoting and marketing ZNZ. What other work at home opportunity offers this proposal? Start earning with no investment but time, complete all the trial requirements in all three programs and I'll pay you for that effort. The rest is up to you with help from all of us! Click the link below for more information and get started!


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